Welcome to Spring, well kind of....At least in the Okanagan we've been lucky to have some nice weather and hey the rain is great for the gardens!
Firstly, today's post is not a paid article by WestJet. It’s an honest account of why we book the majority of our Destination Wedding Groups with Westjet Vacations and what the other alternatives are.
There are several major tour operators promoting Destination Wedding Travel, Sunwing, Transat, Air Canada and WestJet.
Here the main reasons why we suggest using WestJet Groups:
- No gimmicks, some tour operators offer a “bride and groom” package where you get champagne on board and whole lot of other “fluff” the reality is that your guests are ultimately paying for this with a generally higher per seat price.
- Departure Cities - If you're like most couples you have friends and family traveling from all over Canada, WestJet has one of the largest number of departure Cities within Canada for your guests to travel from.
- Regular flights, because WJ Groups are booked on a regular flight scheduled the risk of the flight being cancelled is very low. As opposed to other air charters who are more likely to cancel the flight due to low occupancy as they are only selling package flights on their flight. This is tolerable for a vacation but for a wedding is unacceptable to us. (Speaking from experience from a tour operator who cancelled a flight one month prior to departure from one of our guests weddings!)
- No last minute deals, the group prices are the cheapest available, meaning that the prices don’t get lower as travel dates approach they get higher, therefore rewarding you for booking earlier in advance.
- Amazing, Fun Service! If you’ve ever flown WJ you know what I’m talking about.
If you're looking for more reasons or would like to do get started with your Group Travel Booking, take a look around our Blog, Facebook, Website or contact us here to find out more about how we help Destination Wedding Bride and Grooms get their Group Travel booked.
If you're looking for more reasons or would like to do get started with your Group Travel Booking, take a look around our Blog, Facebook, Website or contact us here to find out more about how we help Destination Wedding Bride and Grooms get their Group Travel booked.