Did you know.....? That 10% of ALL Engaged/Married Americans were officially engaged on a Valentines Day? HUH!
With that in mind Valentines Day is only one week away! There are so many nervous males out there at the moment deciding which ring shold I buy? how do I ask her father? More importantly how am I going to ask her to marry me! oh the list goes on.....!
We have come up with a few Marriage Proposals for this upcoming Valentines Day that will be sure to make your Fiance say YES!
1. Make her a photo album.....With each photo being a memory of your relationship i.e. a picture of the venue from your first date, a picture from your first house you lived in, a picture of your favorite restaurant etc and then when she gets to last couple pictures take a picture of either a. the jewellery store you are buying the ring from or b. a picture of the street name you are going to buy the ring from, then have picture of you in the jewellery store (or of the ring if you already have it) and then the last picture is the MOST IMPORTANT include a picture saying "Will You Marry Me?"
2. Take her to a sports game....and prior to the game arrange with the source to display "will you marry me" on the score board!
3. Take her out to a romantic restaurant.... (she will just assume its going to happen here) don't propose at the restaurant until, on your way home stop for an ice-cream or coffee at DQ, Starbucks etc (a little less romantic) when the server hands your ice-cream/coffee have your napkin pre-written in marker "Will You Marry Me?" (Make sure you pre arrange this with the Ice cream/coffee shop)
4. Write on the bathroom mirror.... in lipstick "Will You Marry Me?" so when she wakes up in the morning it is there waiting for her.
5. Dog lover?.... you can get a dog tag made and printed for a very low cost these days, have one printed "Will you Marry Me?" and take her dog to the groomers that day so when she picks the dog up see if she notices what is written on her dogs new tag.
6. A girl will always want a fresh manicure when she is newly engaged...., so for Valentines book her in for a romantic dinner and also treat her beforehand to a manicure, once she at the final stages of her manicure and her nails are drying have the nail technician pass over the envelope (the one you will tell her is for the payment of the nails) and inside will be the ring, next you can arrive to take her to dinner WITH freshly manicured nails and hands and a RING!